Express Entry
Express Entry
Express Entry is for skilled people that want to come to Canada and gain permanent residency. It is an online points-based system – you get points for your education, work experience, age, and language skills. Once you’ve added up your points, you will get placed in a pool of candidates. The candidates with the most points will then get picked out of this pool and will be invited to apply for their permanent resident visa. The more points you get, the more chance of you receiving an invitation to apply.
There are several categories for express entry, these include:
Canadian Experience Class (CEC) – this category is for people that have at least 1 year of Canadian work experience.
Foreign Skilled Worker (FSW) – you don’t need Canadian work experience for this category, but you do need foreign work experience.
Foreign Skilled Trades (FST) – you don’t need Canadian work experience for this category but you do need work experience in a skilled trades role.
Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) – See PNP.