Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s 2024-25 Departmental Plan: A Comprehensive Overview

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has released its 2024-25 Departmental Plan, outlining the department’s priorities, plans, and associated costs for the upcoming three fiscal years. This blog post provides a concise summary of the plan’s key highlights.

Vision and Mission

IRCC’s vision is to create a more welcoming experience for newcomers, align immigration with labor market needs, and develop a comprehensive growth plan. The department’s mission is to attract the people Canada needs to grow its economy, support diversity, and strengthen communities.

Key Priorities

  1. *2024-2026 Immigration Levels Plan*: Tailored to support economic growth while balancing pressures in areas like housing, healthcare, and infrastructure.
  2. *Francophone Immigration*: IRCC has received $137.2M over five years to encourage Francophone immigration to Canada.
  3. *International Student Program Reform*: Aims to strengthen program integrity, address student vulnerability, and unethical recruitment.
  4. *Processing Efficiency*: IRCC has made significant investments in processing, reducing overall processing times and the need for clients to call or email to check the status of their application.
  5. *Business Transformation*: IRCC will undergo a significant business transformation to modernize its programs and services through the Digital Platform Modernization program (DPM).

Spending Reductions

IRCC plans to reduce spending by $97.2M in 2024-25, $103.1M in 2025-26, and $116.9M in 2026-27 and ongoing, through reductions in operating budget spending, travel costs, professional services, and workforce.

IRCC’s 2024-25 Departmental Plan outlines a comprehensive approach to immigration, focusing on creating a more welcoming experience for newcomers, aligning immigration with labor market needs, and developing a comprehensive growth plan. The department’s commitment to reducing spending while modernizing its programs and services will help ensure a sustainable and stable population growth for Canada.

#ImmigrationCanada #IRCCDepartmentalPlan #WelcomingNewcomers #SustainableGrowthCanada